AU High-Level Panel on Sudan and AU Special Envoy on WPS convene the ‘Sudan Women’s Dialogue’ in Kampala, Uganda

4 Jul 2024

AU High-Level Panel on Sudan and AU Special Envoy on WPS convene the ‘Sudan Women’s Dialogue’ in Kampala, Uganda

On 3 and 4 July, the AU High-Level Panel on Sudan and the AU Special Envoy on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) convened the high-level ‘Sudan Women’s Dialogue’ in Kampala, Uganda. The conference brought together women representatives from diverse backgrounds, including peacebuilding networks, political parties, faith-based organizations, the business community, refugees and internally displaced persons, academia, and the media, all working towards achieving lasting peace in Sudan.

In the communiqué adopted at the Dialogue, participants expressed deep concern over the catastrophic impact of the ongoing war in Sudan on civilians, particularly women, girls, and other vulnerable groups, the destruction of physical and social infrastructure, as well as the denial of access to food, water, electricity, education, and other essential services. The communiqué also expressed concern over the failure of the warring parties to implement the provisions of the agreements signed in Jeddah on 11 May 2023, which included commitments to protect civilians. It demanded an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, the inclusion of women in all negotiating processes, and the integration of gender equality and women's rights in any peace agreement provisions.

UNOAU continues to provide technical, financial and advisory support as part of the steering committee established to coordinate the conference.