Mine Action and explosive management activities are part of fundamental preconditions for human security and human development in emerging post-conflict societies around the world.
As such, early introduction of Mine Action and explosive management planning and activities in post-conflict situations provides major benefits and enables humanitarian responses, peacebuilding and post-conflict development.
Mine Action encompasses a broad variety of activities designed to reduce real and perceived risks to populations affected by landmines, clusters, ammunition stockpiles and explosive remnants of war; to address the consequences of accidents to victims; to reduce economic, social and developmental consequences of contamination; and to advocate for the development, adoption and implementation of appropriate instruments of international humanitarian law.
The African Union Mine Action and Explosive Remnants of War Strategic Framework
In April 2014 the African Union launched the Mine Action and Explosive Remnants of War Strategic Framework Project Document for the period 2014 to 2017. The objective of the Strategic Framework is to support AU Member States in reducing the threat posed by conventional weapons, mines, explosive remnants of war, cluster munitions and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in accordance with the relevant international instruments and best practices. The Strategic Framework promotes the concept of national ownership and recognizes that while substantial regional and international support and assistance is required, national governments hold the primary responsibility for developing and implementing mine action and explosive hazard management programs.
The Strategic Framework consists of three components: Advocacy for universal compliance with the international conventions on explosive hazards; support to member states in de-mining and explosive hazard management-related programs and activities; and Support to AU Peace Support Operations in explosive hazard management and threat reduction.
UNOAU and UNMAS have supported the efforts of the AU throughout the process and continue to work closely with the AU Defence and Security Division in implementing the framework.
Related Documents: Download the African Union Mine Action and Explosive Remnants of War Strategic Framework