UNOAU-AU Joint Capacity Building Workshop, 18-20 June 2024

21 Jun 2024

UNOAU-AU Joint Capacity Building Workshop, 18-20 June 2024

On 18- 20 June, UNOAU and the African Union Commission, PAPs department, jointly organized a training workshop aimed at building the capacity of Civil Society Organizations in Africa to enhance the achievement of gender-responsive elections, in the upcoming elections.  It is noteworthy that, Africa has a busy election calendar in 2024, with 19 countries slated for presidential or general elections, hence, attended the workshop from national to regional women’s organizations. The meeting was also attended by former vice president of Liberia, H.E Jewel Howard Taylor, chair of the AU panel of the Wise, and co-chair of FemWise, H.E Lady Justice Effie Owuor.

The opening remarks delivered by Ms. Elizabeth Eilor, UNOAU’s Senior Women’s Protection Advisor focused on this activity being one of the joint UN-AU activities resulting from the existing partnership. Concerning the WPS agenda, this activity is aimed to also ensure conflict prevention mediation and protection of women, and girls from election-related violence while promoting their participation.   The presentation also highlighted the critical role that Civil Society should play in election processes, including voter education, promoting gender-responsive election policies and legal framework, advocacy for women’s equal participation, accountability, networking, and protection of women and girls from conflict-related sexual violence.

The capacity-building workshop was informed by critical legal and policy frameworks such as the  Constitutive Acts of the OAU/AU; the African Charter for Democracy, Elections and Governance (CADEG) in Africa; the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women; the AU Guiding Principles for Elections and Electoral Observation Missions;  the Maputo Protocol on the Promotion of Gender in Africa; the SADC Memorandum of Understanding on Gender and Development; and the African Union Common Vision 2030 and Agenda 2063;  Similarly, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the Convention on the Elimination of All Discrimination against Women; United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325), 1820, 1888, 1889  ;  the Charter of the United Nations (UNCCD);  the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR);  the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR ) and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5.5