UNOAU participates in a workshop on Development of Course Design for Formed Police Units
UNOAU participated in a three-day workshop on the Development of a Course Design for the African Standby Force (ASF) Generic Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) Package for Formed Police Units (FPU) in Kampala, Uganda from 7-9 March. Participants included representatives from African Union (AU) Member States, Standing Police Capacity and UN Field Missions, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the British Peace Support Team – Africa (BPST-A). The workshop aimed at developing a harmoznized police pre-deployment training package in line with the ASF Training Directives (2021-2023) for FPUs ro enhance their effective mandate execution when deployed to AU Peace Support Operations. Aspects of the training included a course design with objectives, training methodologies, target audience, timeframe or duration, and list of modules with specific lessons. Technical and financial support was provided by the BPST-A, ISS, and Training for Peace (TfP) Programme.