UN Gender Guidelines on Mediation officially launched during FemWise-Africa Steering Committee meeting in Addis Ababa

12 Oct 2017

UN Gender Guidelines on Mediation officially launched during FemWise-Africa Steering Committee meeting in Addis Ababa

October 5th to 6th 2017, the network of African women in conflict prevention and peace mediation (FEMWISE-AFRICA) held the inaugural meeting of its steering committee with the participation of Ms. Teresa Whitfield, DPA Director of Policy and Mediation. UNOAU and UN Women also attended this meeting. FemWise is co-chaired by Panel of the Wise member, Dr. Speciosa Wandira and Ms. Catherine Samba Panza, former President of the Central African Republic. The meeting marked the creation of a formal advocacy, capacity and partnership-building platform of African women mediators mandated to help tackle crises on the continent and promote the role of women in conflict and post-conflict setting both at leadership and grassroots levels. As part of the meeting, UN Guidance on Gender and Inclusive Mediation Strategies was launched by the Ms. Teresa, and the two FemWise Co-Chairs. The mediation guidelines can be found here