UNOAU supports AU Assessment of Operational Capability of Sierra Leone FPU

18 Nov 2024

UNOAU supports AU Assessment of Operational Capability of Sierra Leone FPU

From 12 to 18 November, UNOAU supported the assessment of the Sierra Leone Formed Police Unit (FPU-6), expected to deploy to the AU Transition Mission (ATMIS) on rotation. UNOAU joined the Formed Police Assessment Team (FPAT) constituted by the AU to assess the operational capability of FPU-6. UNOAU provided technical support during the process in line with relevant AU policy and guidelines. A total of 287 FPU personnel were presented to the AU-FPAT to assess, out of which 239 officers were certified, including 201 male and 38 female. The certified officers will shortly deploy to the mission in Somalia.