UNOAU supports the AU in development and delivery of a training of trainers course in compliance and accountability for senior civilian, police and military officers of the NARC
From 22 to 29 July, in Cairo, Egypt, UNOAU, in collaboration with the OHCHR team working on the AU Compliance and Accountability Framework (AUCF) Project, supported the AU in the development and delivery of a training of trainers programme in compliance and accountability for senior civilian, military and police officers from various Member States of the North African Regional Capability (NARC) Standby Force.
The AUCF Project was launched in November 2022 with the objective of enhancing the AU’s capacity to ensure that AU Peace Support Operations (PSOs) are planned and conducted in compliance with international human rights law (IHRL), including regional instruments, and international humanitarian law (IHL), as well as applicable standards of conduct and discipline. The training of trainers course aimed to provide the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to strengthen the capacity of civilian, police and military personnel in their respective countries to fully comply with IHL and IHRL when deployed in AU PSOs.