UNOAU attends an AU PSOD-ASF Regional PLANELM Coordination meeting
From 27 to 29 April, UNOAU attended a virtual conference organized by the AU Peace Support Operations Division (PSOD) and the police components of the Regional Planning Elements (PLANELMs) of the African Standby Force (ASF). The objective of the meeting was to jointly plan police activities, identify and address challenges faced by both the AU and the Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms (RECs/REMs) in the implementation of the ASF activities and seek to harmonize the respective work plans.
This is to ensure that the AU Police Component and police advisors in the RECs/REMs can better collaborate to ensure the operationalization of ASF. This collaboration and partnership require joint planning activities to ensure a strengthened relationship towards promoting relevant AU policies, AU Police Policy, Guidelines and SOPs among Member States. The meeting observed some challenges related to the PLANELMs, including the lack of standardization of their established police structures, the lack of police presence and inadequate funding. The meeting agreed to work on harmonizing plans and addressing the challenge related to the shortage of police in the PLANELM. UNOAU expressed its continued availability to support the AU in building the capacity of RECs/REMs.
The meeting was sponsored by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and attended by representatives from AMISOM, Institute for Security Studies, British Peace Support Team, AU RECs/RMs representatives from East Africa Standby Force (EASF), Economic Commission of Central Africa States (ECCAS), Economic Commission of West Africa States (ECOWAS), North Africa Regional Capability (NARC), Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), PSSG members, UNOAU and AU. The next meeting will be convened during the last quarter of the year, either in October or November.